
About Me

After completing a BA Business degree and working in the business world for 4 years, I decided that I needed to let my creative side out. I’d always loved flowers and thought that a new floristry career would enable me to utilise my creative flair.

Before jumping in head first, I signed up to a floristry night class. I loved it! I was hooked! So I took the big step and decided to go back to college and retrain as a florist. I was lucky enough to find part-time work at a florist whilst I completed the NPTC L2 Diploma in floristry.

I was overwhelmed when I gained a distinction for this course and won ‘class student of the year’. So with this renewed confidence I decided to embark upon the Foundation Floristry Design degree which I've just about completed after three years of hard studying and playing with flowers.

I pride myself on perfection and attention to detail. I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Hopefully I’ll have my own floristry business!

 A picture of me with the floral dress I made for the 'Vintage' themed tea party, May 2013.

Using the 'wax pot' to decorate the Hydrangea is so much fun!

I recently created these vibrant centre pieces for a function at Beverley Race Course. Using ideas that I had learnt from my degree, I covered old beer bottles with coloured wool and filled with an assortment of fabulous flowers.

Me being creative at college with some hay!

2nd Place! - My entry for the Fleurex Competition, October 2012. The brief required me to produce a display to promote a new candle company.

Me with my class mates at the Fleurex Competition with our certificates. We got a First and two Seconds between us!

A picture of me making a Valentines bouquet which was featured in the February Edition of the East Riding Journal Magazine 2012.
Me at Autumn Harrogate Show 2011 - 3rd Place!!

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